Barefoot Sport Fresh Spring shoes


This stylish street sports shoe is perfect for everyday wear. Premium leather in a combination of bold and contrasting textures and colors, the traditional barefoot sole and the double strap closure ensure easy and safe footwear. The chrome-free leather lining offers maximum comfort for this cool shoe.

Size chart
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Talpa flexibilă este fundamentul a tot ceea ce facem în 

atelierul Timmo. Optarea pentru o încălțăminte mers 

desculț Timmo înseamnă să permiteți piciorului să se

 miște în mod natural oferind în același timp protecția, 

sprijinul și confortul necesar! Am lansat gama de adidas

 mers desculț pentru a răspunde solicitărilor părinților de 

a avea un model de pantof mers desculț cu design casual 

sau sport care să ramână însă ultra mega flexibil!

Adidasii barefoot îmbină flexibilitatea pantofilor mers 

desculț cu rezistența la temperaturi scăzute a ghetutelor

 fiind un model de pantof închis complet pe laterale, 

ideal chiar și pentru nisip.

Modelul este realizat în 2 alternative:

Varianta sport, având un design cu șiret aparent și 

velcro, idee pornită de la materialele Montessori cu șiret 

care ajută în rafinarea motricitatii și coordonare, astfel 

șiretul poate fi utilizat de copil în procesul de învățare

dar poate fi și util pentru părinte, acesta fixându-l pe

 picior în functie de grosimea piciorului copilului.

Varianta cu barete - recomandată pentru copiii mai p

ufoși pentru o încălțare mai rapidă dar și un look mai 


Designed and  manufacturedi in Mrenesti, VL Romania

Tabel Mărimi




12 cm


12,5 cm


13 cm


13,5 cm


14 cm


14,5 cm


15 cm


15,5 cm

Choosing the right size of your shoes, especially online, is not a perfect process. Because the foot is three-dimensional, any two-dimensional measuring instrument, such as a ruler or a special sole-length measuring device, can only approximate the true size of the shoe. Manufacturers model their shoes on different shapes of foot, which you have heard about under the name of last, which is why your kid may wear the size 20 to one manufacturer and 21 to another (you might have also different shoes sizes that fits you).

Before launching your order for your kid please remember that children up to 10 might not  be able to consider everything by themselves, such as shoes are too tight or too loose, there is not enough room for toes etc. Therefore, it is important to know your child’s feet to be able to choose correctly. Before buying barefoot shoes, measure both feet first (yes, both feet, as feet are seldom identical) and consider this advices

1.How your child will wear the shoes - with or without socks - and to make the measurement according to this. In the case of sandals and ballerinas, you will measure the bare foots' long.

2. We recommend you to orders shoes that are with minimum 0,5cm up to 1,2cm longer that his longest toe.

3.Try 2 measuring  alternatives to make sure you launch the correct order!

How to measure

1. Place a piece of paper on even ground.

Place your bare foot  on the paper (you must be standing, not sitting, during measuring as your  weight on your the foot makes the foot longer).

Take a pencil and mark the heel and the furthest point from the heel to the longest measurement.

Use a ruler and measure the parallel difference between these two points.

 If you have a wider foot you might want to measure the width and instep and make sure the  pair you order will fit right

Watch the video below to understand how to take the measurements correctly

2. You need a book and a ruler and a wall

You can measure your feet or your child's feet at home using a book, a ruler and a wall. You can then see where the measurement fits on our shoe sizing guide to find the recommended shoe size.

Place bare foot with heel barely touching the wall and longest toe barely touching the flat spine of a book. Step away carefully and measure the distance from the wall to the book.

 3. If you have an option to compare your measurement with an actual insole of one of your most comfortable shoes, do it. Just to make sure your sizes are close to it.

... and Find Your Size

Once you have the measurement, add the  recommended margin for each collection and look for the closest size from the size chart of the shoe you want to buy. Contact us if you have questions.

Weight 0.4 kg

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foot type width
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